Music is often a big part of how we express our gratitude, adoration and praise to God. Elohymns is designed to help parents connect with their kids in a fun way to establish regular rhythms of praise and worship at home. We recognize that everyone connects with God in different ways. The devotions and playlist below are intended to help you and your kids explore diverse ways to worship God together.



Kings Kaleidescope

This song is written from God’s perspective. Listen to the lyrics and remember that He is always by your side and He is enough to satisfy your soul. Also remember that you are and will always be enough to bring Him joy.  

Think about something that makes you feel like you are not enough for God.

Read Deuteronomy 31:8 two or three times. 

Say a prayer to invite God into your life. He is happy to be by your side through it all especially when you invite Him in. 



Phil Wickham

Read Psalm 126:3 

God was with David as he defeated the giant Goliath, He was with Jonah when he was inside of the whale, He was with Daniel when he was in the lion’s den, and He has done so many other great things. In the same way God goes before us and continues to do great things.  

Reflect on the great things He has done in your life just this month. Celebrate these great things by praying, dancing, singing, writing (a letter, prayer, drawing), or however you feel like celebrating.


My Lighthouse 

Rend Collective

Read John 8:12

A lighthouse is a tall tower normally located near a shore and it has a light at the top of the tower. It warns boats of any danger and it helps them navigate safely back to shore. God does the same in our lives. Because He is the light of the world, He is able to go before us and see things we do not see when we are in the sin and darkness of the world. He sees us when we are lost and when we look for and follow his light, he brings us safely back to shore.  

Listen to this song. Every time you hear “my lighthouse” make a lighthouse by putting your hands together above your head. When you hear “safe to shore” put your hands together and make your arms move like waves.



Francesca Battistelli

God is not like anyone else you know. He is not like your friends, family, or even the people you see at church. He is one God made up of three different persons called the Trinity. The Trinity includes God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jesus says the Holy Spirit is like the wind (John 3:8). We don’t see the wind but it is life to our lungs (Genesis 2:7), and it also helps create powerful storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes (Acts 1:8). In the same way, the Holy Spirit is God’s presence with us making us new and filling us with power. The Spirit opens your eyes to see how God is working in and through you, He opens your ears to hear when the Lord speaks to you, and He opens your heart to love others well.  

Read John 14:16-17

As you brush your teeth tonight tell God about your day and invite the Holy Spirit into your life. As you rinse, your toothbrush share anything you want washed away from your life, anything you want forgiven or anything you want the Holy Spirit to help you with.