Music is often a big part of how we express our gratitude, adoration and praise to God. Elohymns is designed to help parents connect with their kids in a fun way to establish regular rhythms of praise and worship at home. We recognize that everyone connects with God in different ways. The devotions and playlist below are intended to help you and your kids explore diverse ways to worship God together.


‘Uhane Hemolele 

New Hope Oahu

‘Uhane Hemolele means “holy spirit” in the Hawaiian language. Even though this song is in English and we can understand it, it is a reminder that the Holy Spirit does not have one culture or language. People all around the world worship God and ask for the Holy Spirit in their own language or tradition and the Holy Spirit responds.  

Read John 14:26. 

The Holy Spirit speaks through us through the things we see every day, the people that talk to us, or the thoughts we may have throughout the day. Sit back, take a couple of deep breaths, and listen to the lyrics of this song inviting the Holy Spirit to speak to you.      


Rise Up (Lazarus)


Read Romans 6:11 

In the Bible Jesus brings Lazarus back to life after he has passed away (John 11:38-45).  This is such an encouraging story because it shows us that if God is able to help Lazarus rise up from the dead, He can support us and help us rise up from anything.  

What do you need Jesus to help you overcome or rise up from? Make a list of these things, there is nothing too big or too small. 

Read Galatians 2:20 and draw a big cross over your list of challenges. This is a great reminder that Jesus died on the cross so that we can rise up from anything.


Trust in You 

Anthony Brown & group therAPy

Read Luke 19:37-40.

This passage, similar to this song, reminds us that we are made to worship. Jesus said if we are silent even the rocks will cry out. Did you know that you can worship no matter how you’re feeling? In fact, when we feel scared, sad, happy, nervous, or excited we should invite God into our lives through worship. 

What is something you are good at? (drawing, singing, dancing, writing, sports, etc.) This week try to do what you are good at as a form of worship. Try doing what you are good at while listening to this song or while praying in your mind or simply dedicating it to God with thankfulness.


Working on Me

Orange Kids Music

Read Psalm 27:14. 

Waiting for things is difficult and sometimes when we act just because we are tired of waiting, our actions can cause trouble. Patience means that we wait for what is best. It is not settling for a quick fix or the easy way out. Waiting for something that you want now is a way of trusting God and demonstrating our faith in God. 

As we move our bodies and sing about God working on us and helping us to be patient, He is reminding us of that truth and we are accepting that truth. Try worshipping through song and dance this week using the video below to guide you.