Bible Bound Clue #3.1

This week’s clue has two parts. Solve Clues #3.1 and #3.2 to reach your destination .

Have fun!

The place you’re headed today is a great place to bring scooters, bikes, and a picnic blanket. If possible, plan to stay and relax for awhile.  

Use your phone to solve this code.  It will tell you where to go.  Type the answer into your favorite directions app and away you go!

81 42 32

21 81 42 32 62 21 32 82 61

Once you’ve figured out where to go, look at Clue #3.2 for your next instructions!

Bible Bound Clue #3.2

You’re almost there!

When you’ve arrived at The Athenaeum (551 S. Hill Ave. in Pasadena), a faculty and staff building on the campus of Caltech, park on E. California Blvd. and make your way to The Athenaeum parking lot. The clues below will lead you to your final destination for the week.

Standing in the lot, look for two guards in blue.

They frame the way out, designed just for you.

The guards put you on a path that is right.

Look again for their color, this time in a light.

Now look down in each of your places.

Find a point to follow 12 adult paces.

Use the map to find numbers 40, 44, 37, and 46.  Now do a virtual dot-to-dot.

Connect each number: X marks the spot!


Bible Bound Clue #4.1

This week’s clue also has multiple parts.

Solve Clues #4.1 and #4.2 to reach your destination.

These items can all be found in Sierra Madre. Your challenge is to figure out where they are! Don’t scroll down to the next clue until you’ve arrived at the location or decided you’re done searching.


Scroll down when you’ve arrived at this location or you’re done searching.


Scroll down when you’ve arrived at this location or you’re done searching.


When you’ve arrived at this location, take a look at clue #4.2!

Bible Bound Clue #4.2

You’ve made it to your third and final location for today! 

Your next task is to examine each sun. Use these clues to choose the right one.

  1. Get ready, get set, start your thinking! The sun you seek has no lashes for blinking!

  2. No lashes, but it does have a tongue. Or are they bottom teeth?  Hard to tell on this one!

  3. This last clue should give everything you need. No nostrils on this guy, and that’s guaranteed!!!!!!


Bible Bound Clue #5

Using this MAP to make your way to our fifth destination! There is no need to actually take the trains.  Just follow the clues below to figure out the final destination and then drive there.

Step 1:  Begin in the part of town where Pastor Josh grew up.

Step 2:  Take the A line to 7th St./Metro Center station.

Step 3:  Transfer to the Red Line.  Travel 3 stops toward Union Station.

Step 4:  Take the Gold Line 13 stops toward APU/Citrus College, and you’re there!

When you’ve figured out the destination, type your answer into your favorite directions app, and you’re on your way.  Once there, feel free to park in the Metro ramp-it’s free!

Here’s a riddle to puzzle out on your way.  The answer will tell you where to begin when you get to the station. If you don’t figure it out before you’re there, don’t despair. Perhaps you’ll see it once you arrive!


Without fingers, I point.

Without arms, I strike.

Without feet, I run.

What am I?


These trains are fun for you and me!

Now let’s check out the history.


Now you must read to be on your way.

What color were the cars that came up from L.A.?

If you get that answer right,

Stand by the one with only that shade of light.  


You found the light, clever lady or fellow!

Now stand on the rectangle made of yellow.


Follow the yellow to the middle lamp.  

Take a left and go up the ramp.

You’re almost there.  You’re on the right track!

Don’t give up!  Never turn back!

We have one last bit of advice for you:

Never Eat Soggy Waffles, whatever you do.


Bible Bound Clue #6

A Note for Parents

Welcome to clue #6! This hunt involves the purchase of a sweet treat as a reward for all your hard work (and a great visual for the devotion), so bring some cash and plan accordingly! Unfortunately, the place we want to lead you to closes at 9:30am.  It’s worth the earlier hour because the owner is an amazingly positive Christian man who exemplifies today’s lesson.  If it’s necessary or possible to solve the riddles and then choose an early morning to complete the journey, do so!  However, we have included a 9:30-5pm (3pm on Sundays) option if that’s too tricky!

Your Clue Starts Here!

Read the following 3 riddles, only one at a time.  They all have the same answer, but the riddles get easier as you go.  Can you solve it after reading only one or two?

Riddle #1:  What food is defined by what it’s missing?

Riddle #2:  What sweet treat has no beginning, end, or middle?

Riddle #3:  What kind of nut has a hole?

Set that answer aside for a moment and get ready to solve the next part of today’s clues.  Did you take a picture of last week’s answer?  You’ll need that now.  If you didn’t, you can use this one.


You can also go there in person for a better view.  It’s on the platform at the Arcadia Metro Station. Take a look at the animals on this piece of art.  The one you’re looking for fits all these categories:

This animal is volant.

This animal’s moniker is a compound word.

This animal is polychromatic.

Part of this animal’s moniker is a kind of victual.  

If you’ve solved this part, you should be down to 2 animals!

Now, you need to get down to one animal!  The one that is best for you depends on what time it is.


If you can plan to get to Arcadia before 9:30am, you’ll need this first set of clues.

Which of these 2 animals tastes with its feet?

What kind of butterfly migrates long distances every year?

Now combine this answer with the answer to your very first clue and get there before 9:30am!!!!

If you can plan to get to Arcadia between 9:30 and 5pm (3pm on Sundays) then go with this clue.

A group of this animal is called an ostentation!  

Now combine this answer with the answer to your very first clue and get there between 9:30am and 5pm (3pm on Sundays!)


Bible Bound - HOW TO PLAY

  1. Get ready to have fun and use your brains! :)

  2. Gather all of the materials you’ll need to spend time away from home and outdoors (i.e. water, masks, sunscreen, car keys etc.).

  3. Click the link below for the clue you’re working on.

  4. Read your clue and follow the instructions to discover your destination for the week.*

  5. When you arrive at the destination, take a selfie of your team and click the “Solved It!” button at the bottom of the clue page. It will be up to you to decide whether you want to do all of the reflection activity at the destination or save some parts for later.

  6. Send your team selfie to Kellen ( and she’ll give you the “Word Of The Week”. Collect all six words to create a secret message. The first team to send in the completed message will receive a surprise!

    *If you would like help figuring out a clue, click the “We Need A Hint” button.