Eaton Fire Help and Response Here


How can we pray for you?

Prayer Form

Prayer Wall

  • Requests From Church Members

  • Worship & Production

    • Pray for numerical growth for our ministry.

    • Pray for unity and inspired creativity for both musical and technical teams.

    • Pray for sensitivity to the Spirit as we lead this specific body of believers (in person and online) in times of worship each week.

    • Pray that people (longtime members, attenders, and guests) would be encouraged and ministered to by the music, lyrics, message of the songs and prayers.

    • Pray for foresight, creativity, engagement, and growth for our online ministry.

  • Welcome Team

    • Pray that our team would be unified under the vision of loving and welcoming new guests and long-time members of the church.

    • Pray that people would be drawn by the smiling faces of our welcome team to enter the church and would experience Jesus from the moment they step onto Christ Church property.

    • Pray that we would be able to staff the team as needed week to week.

    • Pray that the Lord would call many new members from all generations to bless others, as we express His love to every person we encounter on a Sunday morning.

  • Hospitality Team

    • Pray that God would use our visiting time on Sunday mornings to be one of connection, encouragement and gospel conversations.

    • Pray that the roles of hospitality team members may help create an environment where people feel welcome, safe, nourished and invited into these conversations.

    • Pray that hearts and lives will continue to be touched by the love and light, truth and beauty of Christ.

    • Pray that we will be glorifying God and bless our fellow Christ Church goers and passersby.

  • Kids Ministry

    • Pray for wisdom as we explore how to support students with physical, mental, cognitive, learning, or sensory disabilities. 

    • Pray that, as we grow, God would continue to send people who want to partner in the work of teaching, mentoring, and loving our students. 

    • Pray that God will bless and magnify our efforts to have the greatest possible impact. 

    • Pray for Discernment and wisdom for our team as we seek to steward our time, energy and other resources well. 

    • Pray that God will guide, sustain, and encourage every member of the team as they minister to students and their families. 

  • Childcare

    • Pray that God would bring skilled workers to this team who can love both children and their parents as they create spaces for parents to engage in life giving events and groups and that the children who come to childcare would feel loved, seen, and cared for while in our care.

  • Youth Ministry

    • Pray that God will give us the tools, wisdom, and love to deliver the gospel in ways that our students would receive.

  • Young Adults

    • Pray that we are able to reach and engage young adults in our area, and to form dialogue that heals the broken or confusing relationships young adults have with Christ and the church!

  • Outreach

    • Pray for our church to continue to grow a heart of service loving others through our ministries and in their personal lives.

    • Pray for our local organization partnerships to continue to thrive and grow in their ministries and endeavors and for our church in how we work alongside them.

    • Pray for our new alpha evangelism ministry to bring in the right people and leaders as well as for it to be an effective tool in our local area to further the gospel.

    • Pray for continued growth and progress for our missionaries in their fields and areas of ministry.

  • Facilities

    • Pray for wisdom as we seek to utilize our facilities to serve God and bless our community.

  • MomCo

    • Please pray that we would be able to find the leadership support that is needed, that the moms who attend our group would feel refreshed, supported, and encouraged by our time together, that friendships and connections would be formed outside of our gatherings, and ultimately that we would be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we seek to move forward with this ministry.

  • Celebrate Recovery

    • Pray that our members grow spiritually and are freed from our hurts, hang-ups, and habits by working through Celebrate Recovery’s principles. Pray we are changed as we share our experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another and we become willing to accept God’s grace and forgiveness in solving our life’s problems.

  • Women's Bible Study

    • Please pray that new women would join this group, that God will show Himself to us through the truth of His Word with transforming power, and that we will experience deep bonding in love as we share our lives together.

    • Please pray for God’s clarity, guidance, and provision as we seek to honor him with this ministry.

  • GriefShare

    • Pray that people in the community and congregation who are suffering loss attend GriefShare’s Journey of Mourning to Joy.