Who is a member?
A member of Christ Church has chosen to make Christ Church their church home by committing themselves to the Christ Church Membership Covenant and then being approved by the Elder Board. The membership process begins simply by attending one of our Explore seminars followed by meeting with one of our elders. New members are briefly introduced to the congregation during Sunday morning worship services.
Why become a member?
When Jesus calls invites us to be His disciple, he calls us to follow him in community with other disciples. We cannot follow Jesus alone. We need the church! Church membership is the way we “go public” with our commitment to following Jesus in community together with a local church. As a member, you are committing yourself as a stakeholder in what takes place around the church and pitching in to make it happen. Members also have the privilege to vote on each candidate nominated to the Elder Council, on approval of the Annual Budget, on approval of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws and amendments to them, on approval of the Statement of Faith, on the hiring and dismissal of the Senior Pastor, and more.
If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to learn more please use the button below.