Your Kids Will Love it at Christ Church
Our Kid’s Ministry team provides a variety of different experiences and opportunities for students in 6th grade and under. Children who participate in our programs will engage with the Bible in a fun and creative way, while growing in their understanding of their own role in God’s story. We also host events where families can play and connect with each other.
Our Kid’s Ministry is led by a team of enthusiastic, well-trained, background-checked volunteers.

We Call it Kid's Crew
Our Sunday Kid's Program
What is Kid’s Crew? It's a weekly space for students to play, connect, and grow in their faith together.
When does it happen? Every Sunday! Our 9am service has classes for students in 6th grade and under and our 10:45a service has classes for children PreK and under. Check-in begins at 8:45a and 10:30a.
Where does it happen? The check-in station is in the hallway of the Kid’s Wing.Your First Sunday?
Heads Up Parents and Guardians!
When you arrive at Christ Church, see a member of our welcome team or follow the signs that will direct you to our Kid’s Wing.
Register Now to Speed up Check In
Arriving a little bit early is a great idea to give yourself a few minutes to get your kids checked in and settled in their classrooms.
Sunday Morning Themes and Stories
While we consider it an honor and privilege to be a part of your child’s spiritual development, the reality is that you (parents, grandparents, guardians etc.) are the primary influence on their growth. The following overviews and guides will help you continue to explore and reinforce our themes from Kid’s Crew throughout the week.
Kids Ministry Events and Groups

Live it Out! | Kid’s Camp
Jul 7-11

Live it Out! | Kid’s Camp
Students entering Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through 3rd grade in fall 2025 are invited to join us for a fun-filled camp experience! This summer we’re learning how to love like Jesus with our theme “Live It Out” as we hear stories, play games, make art, play music, and so much more. Dinner will be provided daily. Click HERE to see a recap from last year.
July 7-11
4:30-7:30pm | Daily
Registration Timeline Details
Early-Bird registration (available until March 31):
$30/child for family with 3 or more kids
General Registration (available until June 2):
$35/child for a family of 3 or more kids
At the Door (pending availability):
$50/child for a family of 3 or more kids

Wild Rock | Kid’s Camp
Jul 27-Aug 1

Wild Rock | Kid’s Camp
This summer, students entering 3rd through 6th in the fall of 2025 are invited to Forest Home’s Wild Rock Children’s Camp! Wild Rock, which is located in the San Bernadino mountains, is a sleep-away camp specifically designed for preteen students. It’s a safe place where students will learn about their great God through age-appropriate teaching, engaging worship, and time spent outdoors in His creation. Click HERE to learn more about Forest Home.
July 27-Aug 1
Forest Home

New City Catechism for Kids
Thursdays | Weekly

New City Catechism for Kids
Our Kid’s Ministry team is continuing New City Catechism for Kids! It’s a fun and engaging opportunity for kids in K-6th grade to learn about the core teachings of the Christian faith. Each week we’ll share a meal, explore the answer to a question about our faith, try to memorize that answer, and participate in various fun activities to help deepen our understanding of what we’ve learned. To see what questions we’ll be exploring, visit this site HERE or download the mobile app HERE.
Register your student today and please contact Kellen Law with any questions!
Thursdays | 5:30-7:30p
Jan 26 – May 8
Room Five (Kid’s Wing)

Madre Minis
Tuesdays | Weekly

Madre Minis
Madre Minis is a weekly gathering designed for kids ages 0-4 and their parent(s) or caregivers. Each meet-up will include a guided activity as well as a snack, conversation, and free play time with other families. We hope you’ll join us for this fun connective experience!
You may use the lower level entrances from our parking lot or off of S. Hermosa Ave.
Group Leader | Lindsey Fink
Tuesdays | 10a-11a
Kids Wing (1 & 2)
Have a Question? Just Ask!
I know dropping your kids off anywhere can come with a whole range of emotions and questions. We’re more than happy to support you and offer answers. Just reach out and ask!

Kellen Law
Director of Kid’s Ministry